Thursday, July 16, 2009
Trying out a new blog...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
If you're a photographer, enter to win a Tamron lens from MCP actions
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Phone calls
Thank you for your understanding.
Truth: My phone saw the inside of a washer and dryer.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Music is Ready!!
Visit my website to hear the music!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New Music on my website
Friday, June 5, 2009
No more school!!!
How time goes by so fast.
So one by one, we dropped off a single flower (like the one posted) , thank you note and a thank you gift. Thank you all to the teachers that make a positive impact on our children's lives.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
How they grow...

Our puppy is growing up so fast. He weighs 30 lbs at 5 months. Since he's a 'mutt', we do not know how big he'll get. He may get 50- 60 lbs. He's still chewing EVERYTHING, but he's a very good dog. He loves the kids and is getting protective with them.
I have yet to get a session done with him, but it's always great to get snapshots these days.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
15% off
To book your session, email me at
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Cooper, my puppy
Cooper is the reason why I haven't photographed him. He wants to eat my camera equipment. To him a softbox is a white chew toy. He's already ate my sofa, shoes, rug, blanket, Barbie's hands and many other things. If I touch him, he instantly falls down. He rolls over on his back for a tummy rub.
I'm hoping soon I'll have some photos of him.
Monday, March 30, 2009
My grandpa, age 90

Yesterday, my family had a birthday party for my 90 year old grandfather. To me, he's "grandpa". 30+ years ago, my grandparents took care of us while our parents worked. So we were always around our cousins. Life was about family.
Unfortunately, when my grandmother passed away 18 yrs ago, so did the family gatherings.
It was nice to see family I haven't seen in years. The funny thing, I didn't want to take out my camera, I just wanted to enjoy the day in front of other cameras.
We almost didn't make it to the party. We hit a detour. Or should I say my son hit a wall. The wall won. My son received stitches.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
He has a name!!
My 8 yr old said, "Yes! Now we all have matches." Matches? Our names. There are now 2 D's, 2 P's, 2 K's, 2 C's. She is including the cat and pigeon.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Our new puppy

Friday, March 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today's mail...
The animal in question is our pigeon. The funny thing is--I need to call tomorrow to make the appointment. I never thought I would make yearly appointments for a pigeon. As my friend in New York City calls her, "a rat with wings".
Friday, February 6, 2009
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Then I saw Duncan. Duncan had a long tail. He looked like a monkey because his tail was abnormally long. He had such a skinny body with long legs. He wasn't a cute kitten. There was something about him that I liked.
He's still proving to be an odd cat. Each day he runs to the bath tub if anyone is taking a shower/bath. He'll wait and stare at the shower curtain. The other day, he went into the bathtub with 1 inch of water.
Today, he went into the water for about 4 minutes as my 5 yr old was taking a bath. I ran to get my camera. For some odd reason, I'm sure I'll have more opportunities to photograph him in the bathtub.
Which is stranger... a cat that likes water or a pigeon that likes to be petted? My cat thinks he's a dog and my pigeon thinks he's a cat.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Lack of snooze button on my alarm cat...

Yes, my cat still continues to be my alarm cat, including weekends. However, for the past week, his timing has been off by 30 minutes. 30 minutes shouldn't be a big deal. I should welcome the 30 minutes. I could work out with the Wii Fit for 30 minutes.
...but at 4:30 am?
This morning, he tried to wake me up at 4:30 am. I refused. He batted my face with his paw and gave a loud "Meow". When he first started doing this, I thought it was cute. At 4:30 am for the past week, he needs a snooze button.
He tried for 10 minutes. I just put the cover over my head. He got the message. He left.
5:09 am, he tried again. This time, during his usual loud "MEOW", he stretched and I started to feel his claw going through my thigh.
I knew what was next. He bumps his head against my face. When that doesn't stir me up, he sits on my face. He's a strange cat.
He did get what he wanted. I was drinking coffee by 5:12 am.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ode to Mo Willems, a pigeon person
True. Although, since we have a pigeon, we've grown to love pigeons. Since our pigeon adopted us (Peck, the pigeon, flew in our house), she's learned to yell louder for her demands (she likes quiet when she's trying to lay an egg).
We are pigeon people. We love the Mo Willems books. My 3rd grader made this pigeon out of clay as an ode to pigeons around the world.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What's on your Ipod?
My top 20 songs on my Ipod: (no particular order)
1. "Photograph" by Emily Lord
2. "Beautiful World" The Mary Dream
3. "How Could I ask for More" Cindy Morgan
4. "I don't want to live on the Moon" Shawn Colvin (Elmopalooza)
5. "I hope you dance" Lee Ann Womack
6. "Into the Mystic" Van Morrison
7. "Home" Michael Bublea
8. "Pictures of You" The Cure
9."Ready, Set, Don't Go" Billy Ray Cyrus
10."There goes my life" Kenny Chesney
11."This one's for the girls" Martina McBride
12. "To Make you Feel My Love" Garth Brooks
13. "What a Wonderful World" Luis Armstrong
14. "The World I know" Collective Soul
15. "Your Song" Elton John
16. "Tell Me You'll Be There" Everyday Sunday
17-20 JAMES BLUNT!!! (Love him!!)
I love a variety of music from "Fur Elise" Beethoven to Rock. My favorite kids music is from "Elmopalooza". I have all those songs on my Ipod. I listen to them WITHOUT kids around.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Duncan, the cat
He also tried to attack my paint brush. He was constantly hanging out by my paint bucket. He bit me a few times I walked by. He loves give 'love bites'. Love? To him. To me, it's a bite.
Paws near my head. He did smack me with them a few times (no claws were used).

Watched me as I was painting the window sill. He took a moment to look at the dogs.

I've never seen him lick.

He heard a noise! (Have no idea, but he didn't leave).

Saturday, January 3, 2009
An image I wish wasn't mine.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Marley and Me
I love going to the movies. Although, with children, it's not always realistic (making sure it's rated PG, if I have a baby-sitter, etc).
Today, I promised the kids that we would go see a movie. We've been working on the house. Long story short. Water damage in the bathroom. We are replacing the sub-floors, toilet, and cabinet. I'm painting my bedroom, my husband is doing the bathroom (never done it, but he's extremely handy).
The kids wanted to see "Marley and Me". The trailer of the Owen Wilson trying to hold onto Marley, as Marley tried to escape out of a moving car... that part made them want to see the movie.
I heard that it's a tear-jerker. Most of the movie, I laughed. If you haven't seen the movie, you will quickly get why it's a tear-jerker. Yes, I cried.
See, 2 yrs ago we went through "the last 20 minutes of the movie" with our dog, Bourbon. Bourbon was our 'first' son. He was such a rambunctious
puppy. He ate many shoes of mine. He would ALWAYS get into garbage. I would often find a trail of coffee grinds all over our house.. on my carpet!
He was that way until he passed away. We loved him, but at times he frustrated us.
We also had to tell him 'good-bye'. I watched him take his last breaths.
So the movie brought back all those old feelings. Remembering how over-whelmed I was with a dog and small children. Also thinking about Bourbon's love for us. How protective over he was with the kids. Always thinking he would be with us forever.
I had the privilege of taking his last photo. This was done on the day we said "good-bye" to him. He was looking out the french doors. I knew he wanted to go. I told him it was ok. I have this exact photo in my living room. It makes me smile and remember only how much I loved him.